Tips for traveling with a disability

Traveling with a disability can be difficult: From getting to the airport to getting on and off the plane and everything that comes after that, right? But don’t worry, because with some planning you can take the trip you’ve been dreaming of. In this post we are going to share some tips to make your trip more enjoyable.

wheelchair girl travel
1. Consider your physical needs and what you want out of your trip

Consider your needs: this means you need to consider your personal needs, your physical needs as well as what you want out of this upcoming trip. You can start by asking yourself some questions: ​​

What is my ideal transportation? What will make this trip easier?  How can I make arrangements to get the most out of my trip? What would I like on my trip from my daily life in order to be comfortable?

2. Consider all the bookings required other than airline tickets and hotel

Consider if you’ll need to take a taxi, tour bus, or other transportation at your destination. Ask yourself these questions: 
How am I getting to my destination? How will I move from one place to another? Where will I be staying? You may be able to book this in advance and confirm if the type of transportation that you need is available. 

If you travel to Barcelona, you don’t have to worry about this stuff anymore, because with Buddy Service you just order and we mediate.

3. Talk to your doctor to ensure you have all the medication and equipment that you’ll require

Before your trip it’s important to talk to your doctor to ensure you have the proper amount of medication or equipment if it’s your case, but also to answer any questions you may have about what to expect while traveling, as well as how to make your trip easier and comfortable.

4. Stay in the most accessible parts of the town

When booking your hotel you might have found an accessible hotel, but you also need to consider accessible restaurants nearby, accessible transportation, and get to know the neighborhood before getting there.

5. Enjoy your trip

You’ve done enough planning, booked in advance and prepared all the possible issues that you can encounter when you travel anywhere. Some things might not come as expected but at least your trip will be easier and you must focus on enjoying your stay! 

To any travelers or locals at Barcelona,
just remember you’ve got a Buddy to help you with everything above!
Got more tips? We would love to read you in our comments.